Election Debates
The big Presidential election is tonight, so I'll be watching that. It will be interesting to see how Kerry is going to respond to the flip-flop allegations. Both sides signed this 32 page contract that says they cant question one another and if you talk more then 30 seconds for a response to the questions lights start flashing a buzzer goes off. I'm sure that will be going on all the time for Kerry, it will be pretty funny. The whole debate this round is just on foreign policy, so I'm not sure how they will fill the full 90 minutes. I mean how many times can Bush be asked "What are you going to do about the war in Iraq" I hope Kerry brakes the rules and starts asking Bush questions it could get really heated then. Kerry asking questions could be considered a breech of contract which could stop the two other debates from happening, so Kerry might not risk it.
I can't believe no one will post about the election debates. What a world we live in when a drunk girl who gives out free love will get more comments than the election debates. What a world we live in.
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