So about this debate last night, I thought without a doubt Kerry won the debate. It wasn't that he had a real clear message, it was just the fact that Bush just looked ticked off that he had to answer all these questions about Iraq. It seemed like he just kept saying the say thing over and over, that he has a plan for Iraq and Kerry doesn't. It seems that Kerry might make a small comeback when the new polls come out tomorrow. I can't wait for the Chaney-Edwards debate next week. I mean Chaney is dominating force when he talks but Edwards is such a youthful speaker, I'm sure it's going to be a real good debate. After the debate last night I switched to Fox news because After Hours on MSNBC was at commercial, and this show called "On the record with Greta Van Susteren" was on. You have to take 5 minutes out of your day and watch this show at least once. The lady who hosts it, Greta, does not move her mouth when she talks, it's amazing, I don't know how she does it. I've watch the show before and it still amazes me, I can only watch for like 5 minutes cause I start getting real mad at the fact that she doesn't move her mouth. All the words she says just get all slurred together and it drives me nuts, I'm getting mad just writing it, that's how bad it is.
Well, on a lighter note it's homecoming today at my old high school, I promised my old band teacher I'd play for that football game so I have to do that tonight. It will be quite interesting, considering I havent played my trombone, at least sheet music wise, in like 5 months. I'm sure though that I'll manage to pull some tricks out of my hat and play okay. I played some scales yesterday, well the B flat scale anyway, and I can still play the high B flat scale so I'm set for Soul Man if for some reason we play that. I don't know why we would play it, considering the fact we never played it though my whole pep band career, but you never know my old band teacher is a little crazy.
Well, on a lighter note it's homecoming today at my old high school, I promised my old band teacher I'd play for that football game so I have to do that tonight. It will be quite interesting, considering I havent played my trombone, at least sheet music wise, in like 5 months. I'm sure though that I'll manage to pull some tricks out of my hat and play okay. I played some scales yesterday, well the B flat scale anyway, and I can still play the high B flat scale so I'm set for Soul Man if for some reason we play that. I don't know why we would play it, considering the fact we never played it though my whole pep band career, but you never know my old band teacher is a little crazy.
What do you mean "old" band director? I am neither old nor am I your Old director, I"m still directing you!!!
Thanks for playing tonight, hauling the percusison equ., fixing the equ., etc. However, tomorrow when you play with us at the Volleyball Game I expect your bell to be UP so we can hear you!!!
Ms. Creek
I do believe that Master Jellie is old. In fact so old she invented mud! and we all know this to be true. Oh and steve, Get a Job!!!!
What's the difference between a debate and a rebate?
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