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Dodo Bird

So riding home with Scott a few days ago he was complaining about how if cows didn't taste so good they would have no purpose on this earth. Now this made me think, how come you never hear about "Wild Cows" like they don't have a owner or anything there just out there doing there thing with out fear of being eaten. Just think about the premise of this, if we didn't eat them would they even be here or would they have gone the way of the dodo bird. When you think about it maybe that's why the dodo was killed to extinction, it just did taste good. Maybe it fed off the feces of other animals so it literally did taste like crap.

I mean look at that thing I could really see it out there in a field following around pigs and eating there droppings, it just looks like it was made for such a thing. So what would happen to cows if they didn't taste good would they be extinct or would they be wild and we would be taking pictures of these things as if they where moose or bald eagles stopping on the road whenever we are lucky enough to see one just for we can get a snap shot of them. Anyways just something I was pondering, now on something of a totally different topic here's this interesting thing I found last night that shows the difference between DVD quality and HD quality video, I found it kinda interesting don't know if it's entirely a true comparison but it convinced me. That is All


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