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Alright it has been almost a week now with the Mac and experiencing the power and Glory that is OSX. First I have to say OSX is amazing, I truly believe Steve Jobs was right when he claimed OSX to be the greatest operating system ever. Everything is just simpler to change than it is in Windows and has more options also, take for example how I can just drag&Drop in a new user picture something not possible in Windows. Another great thing is integrated PDF file support, which means not only does it read PDF files it can make them also, with zero effort might I add, just click a button and BOOM, instant PDF file. There is also this little thing called iLife that comes with it, I can honestly say that is almost worth the $500 in itself . The GarageBand Band program is by far the coolest but both iMovie and iDvd are fine programs as well. As of right now I'm basically just learning the OS and Trying to figure out which browser to use there are just to many to choose from. I'm thinking though that Opera is going to be my Browser of choice, I don't really like Camino or Safari and firefox feels kind of Slow but Opera is just plain out fast and I like the Features, who knows though I could change. So that's my opinion thust far I haven't even began to Play with the Unix side of Things. Okay that is all


Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis said...

dip, i never type .com. what are you talking about? when are you going to write a new blog? why do you pick on your brother?

3:17 PM  

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