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Conspiracy Theory

Okay I thought I had this really good mount St.Helens conspiracy theory that the eruption is just a republican plot to win the election. I was thinking they did the same thing back in the 1980 election as a way to get the washington state electorial votes but after doing some research I may have to drop the theory. I was sure I had something, I mean Reagan did win Washington back in 1980, give me a week and I might conjure up something that can loosely resemble a conspiracy.

Anyway I finally start work tomorrow, not for my sake, I just wanted to make Shane happy. I had to talk to this apprentiship lady for like 2 hours at lunch about rules and stuff. Apparently sexual harassment is not aloud on the job site, so I just don't know what I'm going to talk about all day.

Alright davey wrote about something pointless yestuarday so I will today. All I can thing about is this time we ate at Denny's after a golf meet, and one of my heros, Cody Covis, ordered a sprite. So the girl brought his sprite, and he goes to drink it and there's no syrup in the pop so I tastes like carbonated water. We tell him to get a new one but he tries to convince us that Sprite at restaurants is always not sweet and tastes like that, and refuses to get a new one. Thats my story hope that it's a pointless enough story for Davey, it was kind of weak I'll try harder next time. The event still pisses me off when I think about it so I thought I'd share. Bye


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever had syrupless sprite? It's terrible. I just can't see even Cody Covis not noticing that something was wrong. Know how I know? The same thing happened to me on a band trip. I just don't like carbonated but oh well. Well have fun at work and I'm sure you'll find something to talk about that won't count as sexual harassment.

4:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi stever
you have to go to work on tuesday...that's funny!!!
what will you ever spend your money on? I can't think of anything. oh, buy you sis a new car!!!

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dig the conspicicy theory. it is sound
P.S. All your base are belong to us

7:54 PM  
Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Why do people post a comment under anonymous, then sign their name? What is up with that???

Anyway, I think that the right-winged nutcakes are hiding in Mt. Saint Helens, waiting for the big eruption. No wait, better yet....the terrorists have biochemical warheads hidden in the crater and when it erupts, it will spread poisonous gases all over the pacific northwest, killing all those who lay in bed at night, wondering if there is a dog. Then, just when you think it is safe, Dubya will find some reason to drill for oil, killing off what is left of the living environment. Cheney will follow along, and before you know it, there will be plenty of fuel to waste on the gas guzzling SUVs, but too bad there won't be anyone left to drive them.

10:02 PM  

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