Hard Drive
Alright tomorrows Friday I'm so excited, plus Scott has like to go to the doctor in bozo so we don't have to work very long either, double plus bonus. I also got my new external hard drive today and all the cables to go with it for I can finally get that film off my camcorder. Did you know that those little miniDV tapes that go in the camcorder are like over 10GB in size. It's out of control I should be able to fill my hard drive in know time, it's a Seatgate 200GB 7,200rpm with a 8mb cache by the way. I do wonder if it will be fast enough to edit film if I go over the external hard drive, I mean it is a firewire plug I think that would be fast enough, trial and error I guess. Alright, hey did anyone check out bill gate's presentation at CES when Windows Media Center locks up on him, here's the link it case you missed it
Pretty funny I thought, Conan being there just ads to the humor, anyway that is all
Pretty funny I thought, Conan being there just ads to the humor, anyway that is all
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