Come on Movie you use to be cool!
So I watched some of Shark's Tale this weekend and I have to say it is really bad, I say some cause we had to turn it off cause it was so bad. Now I know it could have got better but Pixar and their ability to actually know how to write a script has spoiled me. It seems Dreamworks just hires big name actors and hopes that brings in enough of a crowd to make up for the bad reviews they get from the critics. Now maybe it's just me but I seem less and less able these days to watch a crappy movie I just feel I shouldn't have to put up with it. Who are the morons writing these things better yet who are the morons allowing these movie to go forward into production. Has Hollywood run so dry on idea's that they can only redo old ones. I mean think of all the unused movie scripts that could be written, what was the last movie you saw about Construction workers, Glassblowers, or ever Train Conductors. Now name the last time you saw a movie about cops or some Prissy Girl just trying to make it to the top, it was Yesterday wasn't it. I'll I’m saying here is Hollywood needs to try a little harder and not steal from the old but create the new. Okay besides that, have I ever told you to go to and find new wallpaper for your computer desktop, cause I’m telling you a new background can just make your computer seem newer sometimes. Just head here to see there wallpaper collection and find yourself something real nice.
Well, maybe I won't run out and buy the movie.
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