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There's A New Mac In Town

Well Steve Job's did bringith that Sub $500 mac today and it looks like I have something to spend my next paycheck on.

It's called the Mac mini, it'd basically just an iBook with out a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still the things pretty cool I'm so ordering one, actually pre-ordering cause it doesn't even come out tell the 22nd. I know I should wait for at least the reviews to come out on it but I figure that even if it does crap out on me I'll just send it in and get it repaired. The only real thing that is holding me back is the fact that apple is releasing it's new OS(operating system) called Tiger in like march or something and I don't want to pay for the upgrade. We'll see what I do though I should really just sleep on it a few more days I just got all excited cause today was the products announcement. Anyway that is about the only thing thats been on my mind all day, well that and this article I read Click Me. Actually I just found that acticle but still is this something I should really be worried about? Anywho, the night is well, dark and I must retire to my bed


Blogger Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Good jobl, steven! let me know when you get it and i'll come take a look. then, you can figure out how to work it and come and teach me how to run mine, okay? You ordering an apple, i think i'll have to give you extra credit for that one! coming to play pep band on saturday night?

3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A MAC???? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (Can I have it?)

8:04 PM  

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