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Planes and Hitler

Alright I know it's been a week but I mean I'm be doin' other stuff. Okay not really I'm just lazy, I did get my plane started as you can see. I kinda came to a halt though cause I ran out of paint, so I have to wait for my dad's paint order to come in later this week.

So went to see Jay this weekend, Jay Owenhouse that is, you no that Magician that puts on the show that critics call "?spectacular and beyond belief."? Old Jay did the standard tricks, going through fan, making it snow, you know real standard stuff. The only trick that always gets me is the tearing the newspaper into pieces and magically putting it back together. It's amazing don't get how he does it, mirror's it's just got to be mirror's thats the only anwser I can think of, that or magic which is real by the way. You know who killed Kennedy right, Lee Harvey Oswald, cause he had a magic bullet which he bought from Hitler. Hitler got it from is best friend Umar who lived at Atlantis at the time cause his summer home was being remodeled. Yep, that's how it all went down, ask anyone.


Star Wars, You Know That Movie That Copied Star Trek

Okay now I'm by far not a Star Wars Fan one bit, Star Trek guy myself, and me even talking about it is like some kind of sin in my book but I found this thing for the new Star Wars movie today on Digg and thought I'd post it.

Now that is the Complete Story Board outline of the new movie with real pictures might I add. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but It actually looks pretty good. Okay I'm Sure old George Lucas screwed it up in some way but just from looking at the pictures and read the Outline I could actually see this being the best of the six. That's just one mans opinion, if you disagree, well then comment I guess.


Dodo Bird

So riding home with Scott a few days ago he was complaining about how if cows didn't taste so good they would have no purpose on this earth. Now this made me think, how come you never hear about "Wild Cows" like they don't have a owner or anything there just out there doing there thing with out fear of being eaten. Just think about the premise of this, if we didn't eat them would they even be here or would they have gone the way of the dodo bird. When you think about it maybe that's why the dodo was killed to extinction, it just did taste good. Maybe it fed off the feces of other animals so it literally did taste like crap.

I mean look at that thing I could really see it out there in a field following around pigs and eating there droppings, it just looks like it was made for such a thing. So what would happen to cows if they didn't taste good would they be extinct or would they be wild and we would be taking pictures of these things as if they where moose or bald eagles stopping on the road whenever we are lucky enough to see one just for we can get a snap shot of them. Anyways just something I was pondering, now on something of a totally different topic here's this interesting thing I found last night that shows the difference between DVD quality and HD quality video, I found it kinda interesting don't know if it's entirely a true comparison but it convinced me. That is All



So being as everyone is gone this weekend for the b-ball games and knowing that I wouldn't be bothered by anything, I finally started my B-52 Model which I originally posted about way back in August, it was actually my first post. Well anyways I'm committed to it now I figure if I work on it everyday I should be done by Wednesday, okay I know that won't really happen but you never know I might get ambitious. Anywho I have to go like order model paint for the store and since there is so many to choose from I just going to go print out a catalog.


*No Title*

This is so amazing, go play it right now!



roses are #FF0000
violets are #0000FF
all my base
are belong to you




Mercury, Number one Metal of all time, it's official the poll said so, it's just to bad I missed out on my great mercury buying opportunity. For like several years it stayed around $160 per flask and I was always talking about how I was going to invest in it cause it was a stable investment. Then out of nowhere it shot up to like $700 per flask in like a month, man I really missed out on that one, that's a huge turn around. Well I guess now I'm just going to have to wait a few years for it to drop back down again but I'm so investing next time. I just need the economy to boom for those commodities go back down again, Maybe Clinton could come back or something, here's to hopin'

oh, by the way I set up a new poll also

Tawsha's in the sky with wingingings

So Tawsha told me last night if she could ad anything to herself it would be wings or elf ears. But since I didn't have a picture with her ears showing I went with the wings, enjoy Posted by Hello


Chess Game

Ever really wonder what the computer is thinking while you play it in a game of chess, well this game shows you. Check it out



A Fright in the Night

Oh I totally did the greatest thing ever. We are watching this scary movie called the Grudge, and all the lights and everything was off in the house. Well anyway Tawsha went to her room for a second and so I hid behind the couch she was on. Then I totally scared her like 5 minutes later cause it was at a scary part and I grabbed here. I thought it was awesome anyway, I got here to cry and everything. Well that's really all I have to say, back to the movie.



So like my RAM for my mac came today but with no mac to put it in there is nothing to do with this $200 stick of memory. One may ask "Steven how about using it as a comb for the time being", now as great as that idea may seem RAM, like most electronics, doesn't like static to much so that opition is out. Well since I could think of nothing else to do with it I did the only logical thing and put it in my safe where it will stay probably for the next 2-4 weeks or however long my mac is backordered. Anyway on a different note I was watching the screen savers today for a short bit and they where talking to the people behind this one website called Now the whole premise of this site is you submit a TV show and if a panel of people like it it goes into primetime on the website. It's a great Idea, I think you should check out the Laser Fart one it's bloody brilliant. Well that is all, it's time for bed.


So I built myself some selves for my closet, just thought I'd show them off Posted by Hello


Rock, Paper, Saddam!

So it was a big day today I really accomplished a lot. First I clean my whole truck outside and inside cause It was like 70F today. I did make my battery go dead though cause I had my radio going the whole time I was cleaning so had to charge that, and plus some water like leaked into my carb so it's running a little funny. Well after I did all that I cleaned my bathroom and am slowly working on cleaning my room. I'm washing everything I own I did about 4 loads but still have at least 6 or 7 left, I'm thinking It's time to trash some of my old stuff. Oh I also did this to my iPod

I was scared at first to do it but I really like how it turned out, this one guy was afraid to do it cause he has this on the back of his and didn't want it to loose such a great pick up line. It doesn't take off anything though so I still have my quote and stuff on the back. Anyway here's the wacky website of the day

If you Like it support the guy and buy a thong, Well that is all.

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