Okay, Superman died today, he was like only 52 put I guess not even a heart attack can stop Superman. I could never understand peoples obsessed with Superman, the green lantern is way cooler, he's got like that ring and is only enemy is the color yellow. His super power would never really help me pull wire though cause all 12/2 Romex wire is yellow but still. Well nothing to say so bye
I think Christopher Reeve is really super for working so hard in his recovery, helping so many others, raising so much money for research. His whole accident and life thereafter is so ironic.
Steve, call me, we need to talk!!!
3416 (got that tawsha???)
So Lilly do you mean Ciderman, the Apple hero. I think that the greatest superhero ever was the Silversurfer.
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super man died. How ironic. Who would ever have believed that our super man would become a cripple and then die at 52. Truly ironic. Well anyway be sure to have fun with your blog. butter, fish, cod
my hero is chris orr
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