Word Fun
Okay if you ever get bored just go to http://www.urbandictionary.com/ It's really amusing. I found the definition of words I've never known until now.
slang; calling one "weak sauce" compares said individual to the "mild" sauce found at Taco Bell; weak, insignificant, attempting to be like the other hot sauces, but not living up to expectations.
I mean I've always wondered what it means and now I know, I added Groovy Cool cause it wasn't in there yet. Take part in it people, the internet needs you
Oh and forget google dictionary, this is so the new word definition lookup for Scrabble
slang; calling one "weak sauce" compares said individual to the "mild" sauce found at Taco Bell; weak, insignificant, attempting to be like the other hot sauces, but not living up to expectations.
I mean I've always wondered what it means and now I know, I added Groovy Cool cause it wasn't in there yet. Take part in it people, the internet needs you
Oh and forget google dictionary, this is so the new word definition lookup for Scrabble
So I've been using this Program called Konfabulator for a week now, It's pretty cool. Here is what my desktop looks like now.
I got like the battery thing and the whether thing so I always know what I'm not missing not being outside. I don't now I like it, It was originally just for the Mac but it's been cross platformed so it's also for windows now. There is a whole list of widgets as they call them that you can have on your desktop from games to live news feeds. Anyway give it a try it is free after all, here's the link
Also here's this great picture I just found

I got like the battery thing and the whether thing so I always know what I'm not missing not being outside. I don't now I like it, It was originally just for the Mac but it's been cross platformed so it's also for windows now. There is a whole list of widgets as they call them that you can have on your desktop from games to live news feeds. Anyway give it a try it is free after all, here's the link
Also here's this great picture I just found

So Christmas has come and gone once again and a new year is almost upon us. It had never really occurred to me until a few weeks ago when Davey told me that Christmas and New Years are always on the same day, I guess I just really never though about it. I was always to concerned about how many days we got off school that something as simple as that has always just slipped my mind. Anyway, so what did everyone out there get for Christmas, Tawsha and me finally got our long awaited camcorder that has been on our Christmas list for like 4 years. I had to order some special cords so I could dump the video on my laptop for editing, so I wont be posting any great movies that me and tawsha are making for a few weeks. If you have any ideas for a movie script just post them and I'll write up a screenplay for me and tawsha to make. Alright hope everyone had a good Christmas and great Boxing Day
Alright it's Monday again last week went by so slow I thought it would never end, but it finally did. So I came through for the band again on Saturday, man I just don't know what they would do without me. Actually they would probably sound about the same they would be a little less low brassy sounding, yeah that's it low brassy. So in Bozo yesterday we went to Target and they had this 4 piece Walkie-Talkie kit for like $35 so I bought them for the family. We like used them in Costco and the Mall for we could save time not having to find one another. People would look at you funny though cause there would be this voice saying "Hoser you there" coming from your pants. What you goin' do though, just think of the story those people will have to tell for future generations. "There I was, in a mall and this guy's privates kept calling me a Hoser", "What did you do about it Daddy", "Well son I was about to kick the guy in the crotch but he pulled this thing out of his pants before I got a chance, it looked like a phaser so I ran away". Hummm, so you know feel free to tell that one to the kids one day. Anywho, lets all try to have a good week despite the general lack of snow.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while but look I made a new picture for the top of the blog in PhotoShop, yet I'm sure pretty great. I also want to have my blog setup in three columns instead of two but it might take me a while being how I hardly know any HTML. Alright got to go on the big Christmas family shopping trip, I'm sure it's going to be just dandy
Alright I watched the trailer for the new Willy Wonka movie like a week ago and have become obsessed with it. The whole thing just wants to make me see more. Here's the link to the trailer.
I would enjoy some feed back on this one cause I just don't know what to think about the movie.
I would enjoy some feed back on this one cause I just don't know what to think about the movie.
PEPSI WON, I would have been a little worried if Coke did. It seems Pepsi has taken over in the states in the last decade or so because of Cokes focus on foreign markets, in which they totally control. Well I do have good news, the Ruby Red Squirt famine is finally over there selling it at the store again. I only had normal squirt to drink for like 2 weeks, I was so worried that they were going to stop sell it that I bought out most of there stock of just cans. The important thing is it's back now and the Soda Crisis of 04' is over.
New Forums ---> that way Check them out!
okay now there like to the north-east about 3 inches, just click the word forums and head in there and post.
okay now there like to the north-east about 3 inches, just click the word forums and head in there and post.
Google strikes again
Okay read about this new google way of searching today on theirquirer. It's pretty entertaining, glad to see my friends at google are working to help me.
here's the link
here's the link
Alright so like a few days ago I was working at the job site and it's snowing and everything and the roofers are there roofing of course. The Wind was terrible so it was freezing and me and Scott couldn't figure out how they do it, I mean there's like 3 inches of snow on the roof and it's cold what's the motivation. Well I was pondering this all day then at lunch time I go into the garage and the roofers are in there eating and I see one of them open his lunch box. There it was the answer to all my question, behold half the lunch box was filled with, yes that's right, SMARTIES and ADVIL. I couldn't believe it, the talc in the smarties must have some special reaction with the Advil, well that's my story. Spread it and be happy
The Foo
Well I got good and bad news. First my computer came back from the Dell repair center today, that's the good news. Second the bad news, Dell failed to fix the whole computer, only part of it so my audio still doesn't work. Anyway, the Foo just started a blog last week, It's good stuff his experience at TechTV and reviews of products. So go check it out, I mean it's the Foo what more do you want.
I made a Boo Boo
Alright I just wrote like the greatest article of all time about the origin of Monday but I totally hit the wrong button and now it's all gone. I'll have to tell it some other time when I'm up to writing it again it was like half a page long. I should just put like a key logger on my computer for if that sort of thing happens I have the backup. Well without out that great story I guess I'll just post a picture later tonight.
National Fritter Day
My new pants came today, I'm all about them there lined with fleece for I stay all toasty warm. I also got my iTrip for my iPod, it sends the iPod music over FM waves so I can pick it up on the radio, the things awesome. So it's another craptaculaur evening of TV, I remember when TV use to be good on Thursdays but now it just sucks. Back when Family Guy and Scrubs was on and ER and Will & Grace were in there glory days those were the days. The only show I find watching on a regular bases on Thursdays these days is The Apprentice, which doesn't even bring me real pleasure cause it's reality TV crap. Oh Well, Happy National Fritter Day ya all!
Well I decided I want to go on a cruise today, not a normal cruise though. I want to go on one of those geek cruises, I'm thinking a photoshop or Mac cruise. I'm going to have to buy a mac if I want to go on the mac cruise though. I can get a powerbook for around $1,600 or a ibook for around $1000 but I think I would want the extra power of the powerbook though. I don't know If I want to get started in the mac world with a G5 or a powerbook though. I mean their both nice machines, I guess it will be a way long while before that happens anyway. By that time apple will have the G6 out probaly and maybe a G5 laptop actually probaly just a higher clocked G4, there really having problems with the heat dissipation of those G5 chips. They had to krank down the clock speed and frontside bus just to deal with the heat issues of the new G5 iMacs. I want to go on a Mac cruise that Leo Laporte is going to be on and he only does one a year so it might be a while for me. Okay thats all I have to say about that then so bye
-The Mayor
-The Mayor