I decided today I really need to study up on this electricians lingo, P-8's, P-88's, RJ11's. Okay I know what RJ11's are but still, nothing is named like it should be. When I look at something I would like to see a word in my head not a series of numbers. Well we get to paint tomorrow, won't that be fun I'm like the worst painter even, so hopefully I don't spill any, "right shane". I see there is a lunar eclipse tonight I just might go outside of the house tonight, actually scratch that I'll just look out the window in my room. I have always hoped that I could see stuff that is going on in other peoples houses like sexy parties but so far I haven't had any luck maybe when Scott and Brianna build there house next door I'll have better luck. Anyhow, bye
Strange Brew
Got a new favorite movie,eh. It's called Strange Brew it's a total beauty, eh. I going to make Davey watch it this weekend. I mean here is what Hungmiester said about it "I like it a lot". Got paid today I hope that $200 the government took goes to real good use, that Star Wars program needs all the help it can get. Alright, take off you hosers!
Windows Really Good Edition
Okay anyone who wants to waste 10 minutes of the day should check out this website, It's the new Microsoft operating system.
New counter
I now have a counter for my blog all I need now is some nice porn advertisements on the side and I'll have one hell of a blog

Okay Shane sent me this because he is some kind of Republician these days. And Althought this is Kerry being arrested for protesting. I would just like to point out that at this time Bush was snorting crack in the back of a hanger at some air force base in Texas avoiding the war all together. Just thought you should get both sides of the Issue.

Butter, fish, cod
Okay when I say we did nothing today I mean it. I nailed up 15 electrical boxes and pounded two rods into the ground, that was it. I got to play with Mike's dog for like two hours while he help one of his friends wash some windows. His dog is really lazy it only fetches something like three times and then it has to break for 15 minutes. Okay going to work on my computer again yesterday when I said tonight was the night I really meant this night. Okay, bye
Okay I've been work on my computer for like 3 days now but I really think tonight I'm going to get it working again. The blue screen of death shall haunt me know more. Well were like almost all done up at south meadow creek, just like another day or so. So I don't know what we'll do after that I think we get to start doing finish work out at a house in Trout Dale 2. I like finish work, everything is their all you have to do is wire in the outlets and fixtures. So I'll probaly be the lucky guy that gets to wire all the outlets in. My dad bought me a new hammer today, it's am Estwing. That was always my favorite hammer to use in the shop so it's only natural I use it at the jobsite. Okay bye now and make sure you watch the presidential debate tonight It's the last one so It might be pretty good.
Okay, Superman died today, he was like only 52 put I guess not even a heart attack can stop Superman. I could never understand peoples obsessed with Superman, the green lantern is way cooler, he's got like that ring and is only enemy is the color yellow. His super power would never really help me pull wire though cause all 12/2 Romex wire is yellow but still. Well nothing to say so bye
I couldn't thing of anything today so here is a funny article.
Sources inside Microsoft say that a secret search is on for two
letters that are cooler in combination than X and P.
"When we named NT, we didn't even consider the "cool" factor--we just
got lucky." "Of course, we learned our lesson naming Windows after the calendar year. Sure, that worked in the nineties, but what were we going to
call XP, ought two?" "Windows Me was, of course, a compromise. When The Bill decided that
NT 5 would be called Windows 2000, we were left high and dry on a name
for the Y2K edition of Windows 98. 'Millenium Edition' just sort of
fell out of the process and we went with it. Nobody was entirely happy
with it." "But we really upped the anty with XP--it was the zeitgeist of 2002.
There may be no cooler pair of letters, except perhaps XL, which we
obviously can't use." "We've been playing with some combinations, you know, things like GT,
VX, TR, SL, and so on. But we're not there yet. There's 676
combinations, and we're considering everyone of them. Except FU. So
that's 675 combinations that we're considering. And PU, that's not
going to make the cut. So 674."
Sources inside Microsoft say that a secret search is on for two
letters that are cooler in combination than X and P.
"When we named NT, we didn't even consider the "cool" factor--we just
got lucky." "Of course, we learned our lesson naming Windows after the calendar year. Sure, that worked in the nineties, but what were we going to
call XP, ought two?" "Windows Me was, of course, a compromise. When The Bill decided that
NT 5 would be called Windows 2000, we were left high and dry on a name
for the Y2K edition of Windows 98. 'Millenium Edition' just sort of
fell out of the process and we went with it. Nobody was entirely happy
with it." "But we really upped the anty with XP--it was the zeitgeist of 2002.
There may be no cooler pair of letters, except perhaps XL, which we
obviously can't use." "We've been playing with some combinations, you know, things like GT,
VX, TR, SL, and so on. But we're not there yet. There's 676
combinations, and we're considering everyone of them. Except FU. So
that's 675 combinations that we're considering. And PU, that's not
going to make the cut. So 674."

Started the Clark household on the sims today, just thought I'd show you what Gayle and Ivan look like. I made them myself, I think they turned out pretty good. It looks a lot better on the big computer, my laptop can only hand the game at medium specs. I'm going to get them started building gnomes today, Gayle likes building the gnomes

Cheney is a Debating God
Well did anyone notice how Cheney destroying Edwards in the debate last night coincided with Mt. St. Helen eruption alert being down grated, just thought I'd mention it. Okay I' m a little disappointed that Davey's blog got more comments than mine yesterday, I know it's because this "anonymous" girl posted the same thing like 3 times, but still it made me sad. I think I'm going to start campaigning more for my bloc by leaving posts about it whenever I'm at a website that allows such thing. I thing the picture thing worked out pretty good yesterday I'm going to start doing those a lot more. All I have to do is think of something witty to say below the picture, which for me can almost take as long as writing a real article but whatever. As Pope Innecent III once said, "Filii Hohenstaufenin, osculamini asinum meum."
"Work, work it's what I do, when I'm not getting drunk or watching the tube" Okay, in all respect I really didn't work that much today. I had a lot of down time, you know watching Scott do something, or Scott telling me something. In all this time though, I did manage to pull some wires and staple down things. Were doing a remodel type job for this rich ladies cabin that is out in the middle of a forest. It's a cabin, so you know the inside is all wood, which as we know is not that bright. So this lady is having the thing decked out with lights, I mean there is one main room, cause it's a cabin, and she is having two types of track lighting installed, plus some hanging lights, and cabinet lights, and there is already three hanging fan lights that came with the house. I think it's going to be a true shadowless room. I get paid to Monday, so you know were the money is going right, DSL. I don't know how those losers out there deal with just dial-up. I would kill myself if that was all I had. I mean it to, I would rather be killed by a dolphin then wait 30 seconds for google to load. Dial-up is just not right, I know this kid who went to a mental institution because of it, true story he is still there. Anyway, if anyone sees Amanda hug her, she says she is having a really tough week.
"had to google that one"
"had to google that one"
Conspiracy Theory
Okay I thought I had this really good mount St.Helens conspiracy theory that the eruption is just a republican plot to win the election. I was thinking they did the same thing back in the 1980 election as a way to get the washington state electorial votes but after doing some research I may have to drop the theory. I was sure I had something, I mean Reagan did win Washington back in 1980, give me a week and I might conjure up something that can loosely resemble a conspiracy.
Anyway I finally start work tomorrow, not for my sake, I just wanted to make Shane happy. I had to talk to this apprentiship lady for like 2 hours at lunch about rules and stuff. Apparently sexual harassment is not aloud on the job site, so I just don't know what I'm going to talk about all day.
Alright davey wrote about something pointless yestuarday so I will today. All I can thing about is this time we ate at Denny's after a golf meet, and one of my heros, Cody Covis, ordered a sprite. So the girl brought his sprite, and he goes to drink it and there's no syrup in the pop so I tastes like carbonated water. We tell him to get a new one but he tries to convince us that Sprite at restaurants is always not sweet and tastes like that, and refuses to get a new one. Thats my story hope that it's a pointless enough story for Davey, it was kind of weak I'll try harder next time. The event still pisses me off when I think about it so I thought I'd share. Bye
Anyway I finally start work tomorrow, not for my sake, I just wanted to make Shane happy. I had to talk to this apprentiship lady for like 2 hours at lunch about rules and stuff. Apparently sexual harassment is not aloud on the job site, so I just don't know what I'm going to talk about all day.
Alright davey wrote about something pointless yestuarday so I will today. All I can thing about is this time we ate at Denny's after a golf meet, and one of my heros, Cody Covis, ordered a sprite. So the girl brought his sprite, and he goes to drink it and there's no syrup in the pop so I tastes like carbonated water. We tell him to get a new one but he tries to convince us that Sprite at restaurants is always not sweet and tastes like that, and refuses to get a new one. Thats my story hope that it's a pointless enough story for Davey, it was kind of weak I'll try harder next time. The event still pisses me off when I think about it so I thought I'd share. Bye
Went to see this Hero movie last night and it was nothing I expected, I was thinking it was going to be like this last samurai type movie but it was accually pretty good. not that the last samurai was not good, this was just a different type of good. It was like straight action with very little subtitles so It pleased me in that respect, I mean any time I don't have to follow a story is a good thing It's like watching a Steven Suguel movie or bad porn there's a story line but it's on the back burner most of the movie. My friend shane was in town so we did the traditional chinese fire drills through the car wash but soon realized that since we bought the economy package we didn't get the blowers after the water so sadly we remained wet. My Sims 2 game finished downloading today so I'm going to go home and play with my sim. Bye
Okay, I got this real good blog for all you to see it's www.dashingsblog.blogspot.com It could the greatest blog I have ever read. Also Shane shut the hell up I don't need your kind at my blog. Sorry about writing about you amanda I'll delete it if you wish. On to other matters, the volleyball and football teams lost so, THEY SUCK AGAIN! Not that I care I just went to play pep band for Jelly. Plus I got in for free, all I have to do is walk in with a stand in my hand and knowones the wiser. You should have heard my friend play this charge it was the crappiest thing I've ever heard unless of course you've heard him sing. But anyway, going to this movie "Hero" tonight It has subtitles so I'm a little bit hesitant. Bye
Ok, I have this friend amanda and she needs a lover. So any eligible boys out there, preferably trombone players, please email her at Mandabear_57@hotmail.com. She doesn't drink all the time, but she has a friend that does. She's a freshman at MSU in Montana so anyone just email me and I'll get you hooked up. Peace Out
So about this debate last night, I thought without a doubt Kerry won the debate. It wasn't that he had a real clear message, it was just the fact that Bush just looked ticked off that he had to answer all these questions about Iraq. It seemed like he just kept saying the say thing over and over, that he has a plan for Iraq and Kerry doesn't. It seems that Kerry might make a small comeback when the new polls come out tomorrow. I can't wait for the Chaney-Edwards debate next week. I mean Chaney is dominating force when he talks but Edwards is such a youthful speaker, I'm sure it's going to be a real good debate. After the debate last night I switched to Fox news because After Hours on MSNBC was at commercial, and this show called "On the record with Greta Van Susteren" was on. You have to take 5 minutes out of your day and watch this show at least once. The lady who hosts it, Greta, does not move her mouth when she talks, it's amazing, I don't know how she does it. I've watch the show before and it still amazes me, I can only watch for like 5 minutes cause I start getting real mad at the fact that she doesn't move her mouth. All the words she says just get all slurred together and it drives me nuts, I'm getting mad just writing it, that's how bad it is.
Well, on a lighter note it's homecoming today at my old high school, I promised my old band teacher I'd play for that football game so I have to do that tonight. It will be quite interesting, considering I havent played my trombone, at least sheet music wise, in like 5 months. I'm sure though that I'll manage to pull some tricks out of my hat and play okay. I played some scales yesterday, well the B flat scale anyway, and I can still play the high B flat scale so I'm set for Soul Man if for some reason we play that. I don't know why we would play it, considering the fact we never played it though my whole pep band career, but you never know my old band teacher is a little crazy.
Well, on a lighter note it's homecoming today at my old high school, I promised my old band teacher I'd play for that football game so I have to do that tonight. It will be quite interesting, considering I havent played my trombone, at least sheet music wise, in like 5 months. I'm sure though that I'll manage to pull some tricks out of my hat and play okay. I played some scales yesterday, well the B flat scale anyway, and I can still play the high B flat scale so I'm set for Soul Man if for some reason we play that. I don't know why we would play it, considering the fact we never played it though my whole pep band career, but you never know my old band teacher is a little crazy.